FAQs for Researchers

How do I cite Sona Systems in a research paper?

We have developed a full guide for how to cite Sona Systems:

Why do I have to acknowledge the Human Participants/Privacy Policy?

Certain regulations and research guidelines either require or recommend it. You only need to do it once every 6 months, so it should not be intrusive. You will not be asked to acknowledge the policy if this feature is disabled by your administrator.

I want to set up a study so that participants can choose to receive credit or payment. How do I set this up?

Set it up as a study for credit, and note in the study description that participants may opt to receive payment instead. They should notify the researcher of this when they come to their appointment. If the participant at that time chooses to receive monetary compensation, the researcher should grant credit, but mark the credit as 0 credits (Variable Credit Granting must be enabled in System Settings by the administrator), and then note in the comments for the timeslot that payment was received.

The monetary compensation a participant receives for a study depends on decisions they make during the study. How do I indicate this?

You may type any value into the payment field when setting up the study, so you could type in a range of compensation values.

I want a participant to participate in an upcoming session, but the system says it is too late for them to sign up. What do I do?

If enabled, you can perform a manual sign-up. See the Manual Sign-Up section of this documentation. If not enabled, your administrator can still perform a manual sign-up.

Where are email notifications to me sent?

Email notifications (e.g. sign-up notices) are sent to either an address derived from your user ID or your alternate email address. See the Email Address Options section of this documentation for more information.

How do I deal with dyads?

A dyad is a study, which requires a pair of people to participate. Often, the second participant is not a “real” participant, but rather a colleague of the researcher who is “colluding” with the researcher as part of the study itself.

You do not need to deal with dyads in the system itself. Participants cannot see how many people have signed up for a timeslot, or how many spaces are available for a timeslot. So, your “fake” participant can just act like a real participant and the real participant will be unaware of this.

I have finished running my study. What should I do?

So it does not clutter the list of studies for participants, you should make the study Inactive or delete it. See the Updating a Study section of this documentation for more information.

Who has access to my studies?

All users can see the information about your studies and the available timeslots. Administrators, the principal investigator (if applicable) and the researchers for the study are the only people who can see who has signed up, and modify the study.

Related Docs

  • Frequently Asked Questions about Online Surveys

  • Email Address Options

  • Changing Your Password and Other Information