External Study Credit Granting with PsychoPy (Pavlovia)

While these instructions refer to “credit granting”, they work for both credit and paid studies. For paid studies, participation will be marked (instead of credit granted) just like with any other paid study. Note that studies hosted on Pavlovia.org may not necessarily be using PsychoPy, and these instructions only apply to PsychoPy studies, whether hosted on Pavlovia or on another site.

Here are the basic steps, which are subject to change (since the product is controlled by PsychoPy):

  1. On your Sona Systems site, change the Study URL so it includes

    ?participant=%SURVEY_CODE% in the URL.

    So if the PsychoPy URL is:

    then change it to:

    (Note: “participant” must be in lower-case)

  2. Having completed Step 1, the Study Information on your Sona Systems site now displays a Completion URL. Note the client-side URL (the first of the Completion URLs), as you will use it in the next step.
  3. In PsychoPy, go to Experiment Settings and for the Completed URL field, copy the Completion URL from Sona (from Step 2) but you will need to modify it slightly, by adding $" to the front of that URL, removing the XXXX and adding " + expInfo['participant'] to the end of it. So if the Completion URL from Sona is:

    then change it to:

    $"https://yourschool.sona-systems.com/webstudy_credit.aspx?experiment_id=123&credit_token=abcd&survey_code=" + expInfo['participant']

The Integration Testing Instructions can be found here

These features are described on PsychoPy’s site at the following URL:

(“Recruiting with Sona Systems”)