Simplifying Open Science: Citing Sona made simple in an ever-changing landscape
Published August 26, 2022
We at Sona Systems understand the ever-changing landscape of scientific research. Every year new and exciting research is published in new fields by new research groups in ways and in outlets that would not have been possible only a few years ago (from preprint archives to online first or early access articles and beyond). We also understand that this growth, both of new research and the tools used to produce it, is not without complication or consequence. With new ways of practicing science emerging all of the time, issues relating to open science practice, reproducibility, transparency, and replicability become more involved even as they become more important. In particular, the growth of online and computer-based services, software, and data sources used by researchers makes it difficult for authors writing scientific literature (especially research articles) to easily locate the necessary information on citation formatting and style. Working groups such as FORCE11, papers such as the FORCE11 Software Citation Principles PeerJ article and position piece Towards FAIR principles for research software, technical guidelines such as ESIP’s Software and Services Citation Guidelines and Examples, and other such sources have already identified these and other problems together with recommendations. Such resources, though, are too often too little known or too directed towards concerns and/or fields not general enough for the majority of practicing scientists.
It is for these reasons we’ve provided this Quick Guide to citing Sona Systems. It contains examples for the most common citation method with examples (both in-text and reference list), as well as additional information you may wish to include for your particular publication. Citing Sona Systems indicates the use of a standard, shared methodology for the recruitment and management of participants, providing a great deal of information to the reader in a compact way. We wish to make this process as easy as possible as well as in accordance with best practice guidelines and recommendations.