External Study Credit Granting with Open Lab

While these instructions refer to “credit granting”, they work for both credit and paid studies. For paid studies, participation will be marked (instead of credit granted) just like with any other paid study.

Here are the basic steps, which are subject to change (since the product is controlled by Open Lab):

Step 1: Copy Study Link from Open Lab

Open your Open Lab study, and select the Invitations option from the navigation bar:

Use the “Invitation with a permanent link” invitation option. Click “Copy Link” to copy this URL to your clipboard:

Step 2: Paste and Edit Study URL in Sona

Once the URL from Open Lab is copied to your clipboard, open another page to your Sona site and go to your study’s Change Information Page. Scroll down to the Study URL section, and paste the copied link into the input box:

Add %SURVEY_CODE% to the end of the URL:

Step 3: Copy Completion URL in Sona

Return to the Study Information page in Sona. Copy the Open Lab Completion URL to your clipboard.

You will need to use this link in Open Lab to complete the next step in the integration process.

Step 4: Add a Redirect URL to your Open Lab Study

In Open Lab, click on the pencil icon for your study to edit your study:

On the Edit page, scroll down to the input box for an external URL to automatically redirect participants. Paste the Open Lab Completion URL here (the URL you copied from your study’s Information Page in Sona):

Check the URL to make sure it ends in %PARTICIPANT_CODE%. Then click “Enter”.

Additional Information

That’s it! You have successfully configured your Sona study for integration with Open Lab.

For additional information, please see Open Lab’s section on Integration with Sona Systems and Other External Participant Recruitment Services.