Creating or Modifying a Survey
To create a survey, first create an online internal survey study. After you create it, you will see the option Update Online Survey when you view the study information. You may not create multi-part online survey studies.
It is important to note that while you are making changes to a survey, it is deactivated so participants may not participate in it. When you go to the Finalize Survey option after you have finished your work with the survey, you will have the opportunity to save your changes and make the survey Active (available to participants) or Inactive (not available to participants). You should always choose the Finalize Survey option when you finish your work with the survey, as the system saves all changes and computes some additional important data when you finalize the survey. If you would like to continue work on the survey at a later date, you should still choose the Finalize Survey option to ensure your changes during the current session are properly saved. It is presumed you would choose to keep the survey inactive in this situation.